Tuesday, August 14, 2007

So this is the new year.

So, my blog is set up. And let me just say my summer has been pretty productive and I could use another week of vacation to ease back into classes, I don't know about the rest of you. Nevertheless, I'm pretty excited to start my senior year and this class as well. I'll save the rest of my discussion for class, see you all on Monday.

Monday edit: I thought the first day of class helped persuade me to stick with Borderbeat. There is a lot of potential in this class where everyone will be able to work together smoothly and put out a solid online publication. I even took it upon myself to be a copy editor so hopefully I manage to do a decent job there. And hopefully I'll be able to get some direction from this class as to where I want to go after I graduate, whether it be working at the Star, in Philly, in New York, or writing funny commercials for the rest of my life.

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